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8:38am 10-31-2012
Holly Clark
Squire Edward Lee was my great, great, great maternal grandfather. His son, Andrew Jackson Lee married Margaret Snyder and had a daughter named Margaret Lee. Margaret Lee who was my great grandmother. I was born in Danville, Illinois (all my relatives live there) where I believe a lot of Lee's live. Interesting website. Thanks for the information.
1:59pm 09-21-2012
Everett Stamper
We had a Jack Nickell on our side of family.
8:02pm 09-20-2012
Everett Stamper
Need to do more research, but believe Nickell is part of our family
2:51pm 09-17-2012
WELCOME TO THE *NEW* GUESTBOOK: "TO HIS BELOVED WIFE AND CHILDREN -- THE CIVIL WAR JOURNAL OF ANDREW JACKSON NICKELL! Thank you for visiting! Please post your comments below. I look forward to hearing from you!
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