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6:29am 02-05-2015
Elmer Frostad
My great great grandmother Barbara Gutteridge daughter of Sarah Lee and Owen Gutteridge had told family of her being a 5th cousin to Robert E. Lee. I also haven't been able to connect to the family through my efforts. My grandmother had came from Illinois and homesteaded in Wa State. Sarah was one of Squires daughters.
9:53am 01-03-2015
Holly L. Clark
I loved the addition of the actual scanned letters. You have put so much work into this beautiful website, a truly beautiful tribute to your family history and to all Civil War veterans and their families. Good work, Cousin!
9:25am 11-17-2014
I am so moved I can barely write this note. Private Andrew Jackson Nickell speaks for all our fallen young men of the war of rebellion, including some of my own family. Thank you to the Nickell family for protecting and preserving his wrtitings. And thank you for sharing them in such a user friendly format!
12:36pm 10-20-2014
Bud Healer
I get such a kick out of the way words were spelled as they sounded knowing education was limited.
2:24am 03-12-2014
Squire Lee is my third great grandfather. I was always looking for more proof that he was related to RE Lee as the family history stated. This is very interesting and understandable that he would have distanced himself from the confederate side of the family. I grew up hearing that the war divided the family, but nothing specific. Maybe it was just assumed, which would be common sense I suppose.
11:54pm 12-26-2013
Johnnie Dunkle
Thank you for letting me read these letters. I got such a warm feeling from reading them.
6:30pm 11-02-2013
Kaye L,Nickell
PAPA John Nickell, from Ireland, Great Great Joseph Nickell, Great John Morris Nickell, Grandfather Marvin Franklin Nickell, Father William Morris Nickell....John Morris NICKELL moved from Morgan County Kentucky to Lookout, Indiana. I am on LinkedIn under Kaye Lorraine Wolverton my married name. Love the Irish Nickells!
9:32pm 10-30-2013
Dawn Spicer
Great work!
3:12pm 09-23-2013
Sharlene Buchanan
Hello there!
I am a descendant of John Nickell(1720-1774). My birth name is Patricia Ann Nickell. (I was adopted at 9 years old & given a different name!) Thru Ancestry.com I've traced back to John Nickell! Thank you for this web site! I follow the son of John (Joseph Nickell).
12:05pm 09-11-2013
Sean Baney
I am a descendant of Papa John Nickell and am interested in the book you have available of the letters. Can you please contact me at [email protected]
2:37pm 07-05-2013
Jerry M. Weikle
Interesting. I have that Susanna Ogan who was married to Evan Ogan, was the daughter of Philip Wikle and Anna Michael who lived in Augusta County, Virginia. Philip Wikle brother was George C. Wikle (Weigol) who married Madgelena Michael, sister of Anna Michael. I being one of the many cousins and descendants from the George C. Wikle line. John B. Ogan, resembles many of the Wikles of that time, given he was a cousin.
(Author's comment: John Ogan, nor his grandparents, Susannah Fritter and Evan Ogan, mentioned in Chapter X - Honoring Other Civil War Ancestors, are not related to the Wikle / Weigol Family.)
6:52pm 02-15-2013
Marie Gale
HI, Enjoyed the letters, my great grandfather died at Millikens Bend on May 3,1863. I am researching Millikens Bend to gather every piece of information I can to tell his story. I really appreciate the dates in your letters. It has helped to try and put the last few months of his life together.
5:32pm 12-31-2012
Michael McBride
Thank you for making it possible for all to read these letters,I too am happy to see the way some words are spelled. I'm also glad to see the men had prayer nightly. I am working on my family geneology in Illinois. This made some very interesting reading. Thank you.
8:17am 11-29-2012
David Beavers
I am very interested in you writing an article for our Pickaway County Historical Society magazine.
10:23pm 11-09-2012
Carl R. Foltz, Jr.
Thank you for making these letters available to all. And thank you for retaining the spelling and wordage that Private Nickel used. It helps make his personality come through. We are able to reach out and touch this soldier and family man. Thank you for sharing this part of your family with others. It is greatly appreciated.
In gratitude,
Carl R. Foltz, Jr.
PS the music is a nice touch
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